Friday, August 28, 2009

Matty remembers pop in his own words.

I remember my grandfather who I loved to call pop. When pop would come and visit me I would run to the door and say "Hello, I'm glad you came". I would show him my Lego City and my Domino Chain. Sometimes I would have my cars lined up like a parking lot in the living room and mom would always say "Matthew please put your cars away now." Pop would then say "I'll help him put them away". Pop would then help me build my lego towers so they looked like the buildings he used to work on.

I remember when pop would tell me all the buildings he worked on. He worked on the WTC in the early 1970's and he also worked on the Verrazano Bridge in the early 1960's when my dad was a baby. I always enjoyed when Pop would drive us into New Jersey and we would cross over the bridge. I was amazed that he worked so high up and was not even afraid. I used to see all the pictures Pop showed me of him working on the bridge and other construction sites. I always enjoyed sitting down with him and looking at the pictures. He looked so young in those pictures and my dad was held by his mom wearing his diapers still. I thought that the pictures of dad's mom were beautiful. It's nice seeing pictures of my dad when he was a little boy.

After we were done with our buildings Pop helped me move them to a safer place and he would help me put my cars away like my mom said to.

Pop would always sit next to me on the couch and we would watch SpongeBob SquarePants and I think after a while Pop would get a little crazy hearing that song all the time. Then I would let him turn the channel. I would watch The Animal Planet Channel which we both liked to watch.

It was getting time when I had to go to bed and pop would have to leave so we would say goodbye and tell him "Thank you for making my day" and give him a hug. This is what I remember about my pop and I will never forget that.

I miss him and I always remember him through all the pictures we used to look at together and I tell my dad that pop is still here with us and he is happy. The End.

Matty Iannielli
With help from dad.

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