Saturday, September 19, 2009

Teaching my son about writing.

As I started this journey of digging deep and writing about my experiences and staying true to myself and my family and relating deeply personal experiences to help in healing I started to enjoy the experience of writing and expressing myself as I feel it is essential in better understanding ourselves so we can be better with our family our friends and our work responsibilities. I feel it is important to live life with inner peace and find happiness because not every day is a happy one. We have to understand that we will experience good times and very sad times too and we have to learn how to cope and get through those times. Obviously we will always look forward to the good times but have to be realistic and understand that we also will experience times of despair and heartache and we have to learn to balance our feelings and emotions.

I have learned that when you are feeling sad about unforeseen circumstances and family tragedies you have no control over it is better to cry and talk about it and do whatever is necessary to help you through the difficult period. For me it became very important to express myself and write and Facebook became my venue for saying all I had to. As the days passed into weeks and months after my dad's death I felt empty and wanted to start a journal of all I was experiencing and I came upon a blog that inspired me about a young man writing his final farewell to his family over his remaining days knowing he was dying of cancer and wanted to express all he was experiencing and feeling and wanted to leave something for his family that professed his love for them. As I read this I could not stop reading it and I then realized this was what I needed to do so I could relate all my feelings and I realized what was most important to me which was my son and his challenges and obviously my family, my wife, and all we went through when we lost mom many years ago and the recent heartache of losing my dad.

I wasn't sure how I would start it but I worked on the title and it just came to me and then the topics I chose seemed to come to me as I thought about it and as I wrote my topic the words started to flow.

As I started writing my son would ask me if he could help and I said of course and I had him make some very important contributions and as he started to help me write I thought that it would be great for him to write as well as one of the things that affect autistic children is their difficulty in self expression. So we created a blog for him and I had him decide on an appropriate title and he came up with a simple title that was very appropriate called "Matty's blog" which he looks forward to writing and relating all that is important to him.

I personally think it is great that he enjoys writing and with my guidance and overview I feel he will benefit from the experience. He also enjoys music and expresses himself through singing but not on a stage like Gina Marie Incandella who is our inspiration. Matty's stage is his living room where he is free to write and express himself through writing or singing karaoke and I think that is truly wonderful and we see the positive effect it has on him.

I will always encourage Matty to write or sing as he wishes and when he wishes and I am proud of him and will always be proud of him and will always look forward to reading his writings or listening to him sing his favorite songs with eager anticipation.

My wife and I are so very proud of him and glad he finds things like this to keep him busy and help him in expressing himself which is so very important!

Keep up the good work Matty!

Love from Mom and Dad and Grandma and Matty!

Edward D. Iannielli III
Maria Jesusa Gonzales Iannielli
Matty Iannielli
Mama Terresita Napoles Gonzales

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